Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Claire waiting for a reaction

Claire was going through the alphabet letters with a parent at school ,when she got to
the F letter she did the best she could do to shock the parent and the teacher with
 Fart and Fuck it!!!  Mission Successful

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The new you and the old you

Often, when you are on the spirtual path, there is a war going on between the person you once were and the person you are becoming. Some call it "patterns" others "habit"

The old you , the one who helped you survive , the one that was there for you in rough times is going to fight to stay alive. The old you knows your secrets and your histroy. The old you knows your defence mechanisms , what you will do when your buttons get pushed and exactly where your weakness lie. The old you wants to stay in control . The old you has home court advantage.

The new you, the spiritually conscious spirtually grounded you is fumbling around trying to figure out what works now. It is the part of you that has yet to be proven. You may believe strongly you may want deeply to change and for newfound identity to emerge. But the new you is not sure it will work.

It is there in that glimmer of doubt that the old you goes to work. It nags you. It challenges you. It is called self doubt and lame excuses. It looks like not having time to pray, to meditate and not being able to figure out how praying and having fun are going to put food on the table. The new you views prolblems as challenges, knowing that with every problem comes a solution, the escape, the way out. The new you is willing to confront challenges and wants to do so in a spiritually grounded way.

When however the new you is backed into a wall, it will, out of habit, burrow from the old you. The instant the burrowing occurs, the new you is rendered dead- even if only for a moment. The challenge is that when the new you is bought back into focus there is probably a pile of old crap that needs to be cleaned up.

I have learned the hard way that you must be disciplined, vigilant and obedient about the practices that will build your spiritual muscles and put the old you to rest !!!!

Excerpt from "YESTERDAY I CRIED" by Iyania Vanzant


Unshakable confidence is a sense of certainty. The only way to experience confidence in enviroments and situations you have encountered previously is through the power of FAITH.

Imagine and feel certain about the emotions you deserve to have now - rather then to wait for them to spontaneously appear some day in the future. Just practice using FAITH & CONFIDENCE rather than fear.

We are what and where we are because we have first imagined it !!!


The symptoms of inner peace

The symptoms of inner peace

1 A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.
2 An unmistakeable ability to enjoy each moment.
3 A loss of interest in judging self.
4 A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
5 A loss of ability to worry
6 Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation
7 Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
8 Frequent attacks of smiling
9 An increasing tendency to let things happen.
10 An increased susceptibility to love and to freely receive the love extended by others as well as the uncontrolable urge to extend it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jake's G.I.Y.

This was a wonderful time for me as I knew that when Jake got back he would
have such a better selection of tools for his life experiences and he would of let go of what no longer served him ! That he could pull out of he is pocket at anytime! Has he changed? "Yes" - he knows better, so when hE fuck's up - I don't have to go into complete blah, blah, blah!!! I can just say" You know the drill Jake, you have the tools to get back onto the path that you want "

Also its the "Act of allowing" as I know that G.I.Y. has given him what he needs and
his light has been switched on. He has let go of some of his conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve him. He can get on with an extraordinary life!!!
This happens real fast to Jake- we all know what happens when you throw an
ice-cream at someone in a moving car, you cope it twice as hard the next day.
Your karma happens real fast Jake and this has been proven so many times so use it to the best of your advantage. I'm very proud of you Jake and the beautiful young man you have turned into. Keep shining your light !!!

Contracts- Human Relationships

I suppose in the scientific sense it 's a bit out there that even if you attempt to avoid
meeting that you are "contracted" to have with someone , it will eventually take place.

However there is an ingrained belief in destiny! This is an old story from the east called "Appointment in Samarra" A master sends his slave to Samarra for an errand. While in the village the slave encounters the figure of Death and is so frightened by it that he runs to the next village, Samarra to hide. On hearing that his slave disappeared , the master goes to town and confronts Death. "Why did you scare my servant?" he demands!

"Actually", Death replies "I was not trying to scare him. I was only surprised to see him here , because I'm scheduled to meet with him tonight in Samarra!!! From a symbolic point of view no one is in your life by accident. Some people weigh dramatically more in it than others. Intimate relationships in your life - family, friends, partners and even our adversaries are all part of an agreement to learn certain lessons on earth.

When our buttons are pushed by family, friends and petty tyrants what are the lessons in it for ourselves,- what is it that we most dislike about ourselves and what can they teach you about yourself that you cannot learn from anywhere esle.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I haven't had any real contact with my mum in ages, except a email or two. I received a email from mum to tell me her wonderful news about buying some property in Tasmania. I was quite upset that I didn't hear from her personally. I went into ego bullshit on how I was being treated and how I felt. I got over when I came back to the now and thought a little bit about what my mum might be going through right now on her journey!!! and about how my thoughts effect me in a negative way. I can be happy or go into drama .

This morning I had a dream with my aunty in it (she left us about 7 years ago and we were all
very close) This dream was very real as my aunty said to me as clear as day "Talk to her Nicky"
Thanks for the message and the little bit of humor with the hunk of spunk that you just happened to throw in bed with you in this dream!!!

The message : unconditional love - Life is too short to hold onto the unimportant stuff, what is important is that I love my mum and that I don't have to put conditions on our relationship because it has changed and maybe not quite to my liking!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Coral Bay

I just love this place!!! This is were I go in times of need. Like when in the dentist chair!!!
It's one of my favourite places. Damien, myself and the kids had such a fabulous time in coral bay!!! Real in the know stuff. It gets pretty windy on the W.A. coastline - I remember saying to Damien even the fucking birds fly backwards here. Great place for dreadlocks which I achieved, red wine in your face because of the wind blowing it and heaps of sand in everything! So worth it so many sights to see. Mystical!!!